New survey reveals kids' excitement about outer space
It may come as no surprise, but according to a fascinating survey released in mid-July, coinciding with the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, “86% of children aged 8 to 12 say they are interested in space exploration, and 90% of them want to learn more.”
Combined with a new-found public enthusiasm for outer space exploration in the 21st century, how can we impart knowledge to today’s kids and inspire them as tomorrow’s adults?
Kids gravitate to informal learning opportunities that captivate their imaginations and utilize creative and entertaining delivery methods which (dare we say!) do not resemble “school”. Eureka Exhibits has been a pioneer in creating “learning+entertainment” experiences for science centers and museums, utilizing "the language of modern youth": video games.
At least 55% of kids ages 8 to 18 play video, mobile and computer games every day, spending an average of 1.3 hours doing so, says Common Sense Media.
Connecting Galileo to "Curiosity" – and beyond
Eureka worked with NASA experts and NASA data to create "Be the Astronaut" - a modular, highly customizable exhibit and experience in which learning is inherent to playing the game.
Connecting Galileo and Newton to "Snoopy", "Curiosity" and the future, the game combines Eureka's proprietary gaming technology with realistic and accurate 3D video imagery. It enables kids to understand the intricacies of journeying to outer space, while learning from their mistakes to play the game successfully. Their excitement is palpable: kids jump right in to learn about the principles of space flight, launching out of Earth’s orbit, flying through space, landing on the moon, Mars and Jupiter, and driving rovers.
Our new Apollo-themed “Be the Astronaut” features two exciting motion attractions – a lunar lander and lunar rover – that will further enhance the exhibit.
For institutions of informal learning, experiences like “Be the Astronaut” are a platform to captivate young people and shape their understanding of complex ideas like outer space travel and exploration, and perhaps even future civilization. Ultimately, we believe such experiences play a significant role in their motivation to learn, acquire skills and make life choices.